help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid

2 مشترك

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help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  Empty help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid

مُساهمة من طرف jimini pabo الثلاثاء 26 أبريل 2016 - 23:40

hello ... guys i need ur help in this 
im the owner of the forum "" 
ive been away from the forum for almost a year now 
and i totally forgot my password ... i thought i could get it back using my email 
but then i remembered i activated that option where it can't send a new password for admins if they forget theirs 
now im stuck .. i tried everysingle password i can remember 
but nothing works 
then i tried to contact the members i let em on charge and i didn't find em 
im about to cry cuz i this forum means a lot for me and im afraid ill lose it 
guys plz help me i really don't know what to do 
i hope someone answear me  Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
jimini pabo
jimini pabo

help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  01010

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معدل النشاط : 3083
السُمعة : 0

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  Empty رد: help i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid

مُساهمة من طرف YasirAyad الأربعاء 27 أبريل 2016 - 0:50

hello , @jimini pabo
This is an Arabic forum only. If you need support in another language, check this list to see if there is a support forum in your language.

 Arabic) https://help.ahlamontada.comhelp i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  Icon_arrow
 French) http://forum.forumactif.comhelp i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  Icon_arrow
 English) http://help.forumotion.comhelp i forgot my password and i can't get in becuz i did something stupid  Icon_arrow

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معدل النشاط : 15449
السُمعة : 297

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