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SSLمشكلة Empty SSLمشكلة

مُساهمة من طرف mhalbaba الثلاثاء 14 يناير 2014 - 15:39

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
شكرا لكم على خدمات أحلى منتدى في الحقيقة أنا أستطيع شراء و تجديد SSL CERTIFICATE إلى منتداي و حاولت أن أضع واحدة بإستخدام II7 لأن هذا سيسهل عملي في خدمات أخرى كFACEBOOK APPLICATION API و خدمات أخرى في غوغل و صراحة تطبيق الفيسبوك الخاص بي لن يعمل إلا بهذه الخاصية و ما أريده من شركة أحلى منتدى هو تفعيل خدمة SSL على حساب godaddy الذي تم شراء الدومين منه وأنا سأتكفل بوضع SSL

[th]Category[/th][th]Status[/th][th]Test name[/th][th][/th]
ParentSSLمشكلة InfoDomain NS recordsNameserver records returned by the parent servers are:   [''] (NO GLUE)   [TTL=172800]   [''] (NO GLUE)   [TTL=172800] was kind enough to give us that information.
SSLمشكلة PassTLD Parent CheckGood., the parent server I interrogated, has information for your TLD.
SSLمشكلة PassYour nameservers are listedGood. The parent server has your nameservers listed. This is a must if you want to be found as anyone that does not know your DNS servers will first ask the parent nameservers.
SSLمشكلة InfoDNS Parent sent GlueThe parent nameserver is not sending out GLUE for every nameservers listed, meaning he is sending out your nameservers host names without sending the A records of those nameservers. It's ok but you have to know that this will require an extra A lookup that can delay a little the connections to your site. This happens a lot if you have nameservers on different TLD ( for example with nameserver
SSLمشكلة PassNameservers A recordsGood. Every nameserver listed has A records. This is a must if you want to be found.
NSSSLمشكلة InfoNS records from your nameserversNS records got from your nameservers listed at the parent NS are:  ['']   [TTL=172800]  ['']   [TTL=172800]
SSLمشكلة PassRecursive QueriesGood. Your nameservers (the ones reported by the parent server) do not report that they allow recursive queries for anyone.
SSLمشكلة PassSame GlueHmm,I do not consider this to be an error yet, since I did not detect any nameservers at your nameservers
SSLمشكلة PassGlue for NS recordsOK. When I asked your nameservers for your NS records they also returned the A records for the NS records. This is a good thing as it will spare an extra A lookup needed to find those A records.
SSLمشكلة PassMismatched NS recordsOK. The NS records at all your nameservers are identical.
SSLمشكلة PassDNS servers respondedGood. All nameservers listed at the parent server responded.
SSLمشكلة PassName of nameservers are validOK. All of the NS records that your nameservers report seem valid.
SSLمشكلة ErrorMultiple NameserversERROR: Looks like you have 2 nameservers.According to RFC2182 section 5 you must have at least 3 nameservers, and no more than 7. Having 2 nameservers is also ok by me.
SSLمشكلة PassNameservers are lameOK. All the nameservers listed at the parent servers answer authoritatively for your domain.
SSLمشكلة PassMissing nameservers reported by parentOK. All NS records are the same at the parent and at your nameservers.
SSLمشكلة PassMissing nameservers reported by your nameserversOK. All nameservers returned by the parent server are the same as the ones reported by your nameservers.
SSLمشكلة PassDomain CNAMEsOK. RFC1912 2.4 and RFC2181 10.3 state that there should be no CNAMEs if an NS (or any other) record is present.
SSLمشكلة PassNSs CNAME checkOK. RFC1912 2.4 and RFC2181 10.3 state that there should be no CNAMEs if an NS (or any other) record is present.
SSLمشكلة PassDifferent subnetsOK. Looks like you have nameservers on different subnets!
SSLمشكلة PassIPs of nameservers are publicOk. Looks like the IP addresses of your nameservers are public. This is a good thing because it will prevent DNS delays and other problems like
SSLمشكلة PassDNS servers allow TCP connectionOK. Seems all your DNS servers allow TCP connections. This is a good thing and useful even if UDP connections are used by default.
SSLمشكلة PassDifferent autonomous systemsOK. It seems you are safe from a single point of failure. You must be careful about this and try to have nameservers on different locations as it can prevent a lot of problems if one nameserver goes down.
SSLمشكلة PassStealth NS records sentOk. No stealth ns records are sent
SOASSLمشكلة InfoSOA recordThe SOA record is:
Primary nameserver:
Hostmaster E-mail address:
Serial #: 2014011413
Refresh: 10800
Retry: 3600
Expire: 1209600   14 days
Default TTL: 21600
SSLمشكلة PassNSs have same SOA serialOK. All your nameservers agree that your SOA serial number is 2014011413.
SSLمشكلة PassSOA MNAME entryOK. That server is listed at the parent servers. That server is listed at the parent servers.
SSLمشكلة PassSOA SerialYour SOA serial number is: 2014011413. This appears to be in the recommended format of YYYYMMDDnn.
SSLمشكلة PassSOA REFRESHOK. Your SOA REFRESH interval is: 10800. That is OK But recomended range is 1200-43200
SSLمشكلة PassSOA RETRYYour SOA RETRY value is: 3600. Looks okBut recomended range is 180-900
SSLمشكلة PassSOA EXPIREYour SOA EXPIRE number is: 1209600 seconds.Looks ok
SSLمشكلة PassSOA MINIMUM TTLYour SOA MINIMUM TTL is: 21600 seconds. This value was used to serve as a default TTL for records without a given TTL value and now is used for negative caching (indicates how long a resolver may cache the negative answer). RFC2308 recommends a value of 1-3 hours. Your value of 21600 seconds is OK.
MXSSLمشكلة PassMX RecordsYour MX records that were reported by your nameservers are:

2    []
1    []

[These are all the MX records that I found. If there are some non common MX records at your nameservers you should see them below. ]
SSLمشكلة WarnDifferent MX records at nameserversThe MX records that are not the same at all your nameservers: returned the following: [] [] returned the following: [] []
It is better to have the same MX records at all your nameservers!
SSLمشكلة PassMX name validityGood. I did not detect any invalid hostnames for your MX records.
SSLمشكلة PassMX IPs are publicOK. All of your MX records appear to use public IPs.
SSLمشكلة PassMX CNAME CheckOK. No problems here.
SSLمشكلة PassMX A request returns CNAMEOK. No problems here.
SSLمشكلة PassMX is not IPOK. All of your MX records are host names.
SSLمشكلة InfoNumber of MX recordsOK. Looks like you have multiple MX records. However some of your MX records are not common at all your nameservers. This seems bad but if you know what are you doing it's ok.
SSLمشكلة PassMismatched MX AOK. I did not detect differing IPs for your MX records. --not doen
SSLمشكلة PassDuplicate MX A recordsOK. I have not found duplicate IP(s) for your MX records. This is a good thing.
SSLمشكلة PassReverse MX A records (PTR)Your reverse (PTR) record: -> ->
You have reverse (PTR) records for all your IPs, that is a good thing.
WWWSSLمشكلة InfoWWW A RecordYour A record is:> ->[]

[Looks like you have CNAME's]
SSLمشكلة PassIPs are publicOK. All of your WWW IPs appear to be public IPs.
SSLمشكلة PassWWW CNAMEOK. You do have a CNAME record for CNAME entry also returns the A record for the CNAME entry, which is good.


SSLمشكلة 01010

عدد المساهمات : 0
معدل النشاط : 3924
السُمعة : 0

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

SSLمشكلة Empty رد: SSLمشكلة

مُساهمة من طرف بنوته كول..! الثلاثاء 14 يناير 2014 - 17:12

هلا اخوي 

ما فهمت وضح اكثر عشان نساعدك
بنوته كول..!
بنوته كول..!

عدد المساهمات : 79
معدل النشاط : 4156
السُمعة : 2

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

SSLمشكلة Empty رد: SSLمشكلة

مُساهمة من طرف mhalbaba الثلاثاء 14 يناير 2014 - 17:38

موقع GODADDY.COM يتيح لك العديد من الخصائص خاصة الخدمات الأمنية مثلا يمكنني أن أعرف الخدمات المفعلة و الغير مف على دوميني مثلا
Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2014-01-14 16:13 CET
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.11s latency).
21/tcp filtered ftp
23/tcp filtered telnet
25/tcp open smtp
43/tcp filtered whois
53/tcp closed domain
69/tcp filtered tftp
80/tcp open http
110/tcp closed pop3
116/tcp filtered ansanotify
143/tcp closed imap
194/tcp filtered irc
443/tcp closed https
465/tcp filtered smtps
585/tcp filtered unknown
587/tcp filtered submission
3306/tcp filtered mysql
8443/tcp filtered https-alt
10000/tcp filtered snet-sensor-mgmt

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.66 seconds

بالأحمر الخدمات غير المفعلة و أنا فقط أطلب تفعيل البورت الخاص ب https لأنه سيتيح لي الإستفادة من خدمات أخرى

SSLمشكلة 01010

عدد المساهمات : 0
معدل النشاط : 3924
السُمعة : 0

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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